Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Funny dog world

Ah sunshine and bird song... what a lovely day it has turned out to be, huh?

Yesterday we had a really fun Agility class with Penny Labrador, Macy ShihTzu and Tilly CKCS. I had forgotten how much I enjoy these little garden agility lessons. Very relaxed and lots of fun! After all these years I'm still amazed at how clever dogs are...

Speaking of clever, I was sent a link to a blog today, that I wanted to share with you all. A real feel good blog, written by a lurcher! Isn't it amazing what dogs can do? Have a look at It is very entertaining...

I particularly love the little comic where the dog is in a meeting and has gone 6 days without licking his balls...

More people have signed up for the Fun Day on the 16th of May now and we still haven't had any of Pam's clients sign ups, so should get quite full on the day. You have until Sunday to sign up for the games, after that it will be too late!

I will start the extra training sessions for the dogs that will be competing for DogBasics soon. Recall, Stay, Leave and fast Sits and Downs... and lots of it! I'm determined that we will win on the day. Competetive? Me? You are kidding?!

Hope you are all enjoying the weather and that we'll have a day just like today on the 16th...


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